
Sport and Rest WordPress Theme


Thank You!

Thank you for purchasing our product! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us via contact form on our portfolio page.

Install Theme

Critical error Elementor

the theme works with the latest version WordPress, however, not adapted to the latest version Elementor

After installation please change the version Elementor

How to Fix: Default Kit Missing Error

The Solution The way to solve this error is navigating to Elementor > Tools > General Tab. Here you will see an option to Recreate Kit. Click the Recreate Kit button and the Save Changes button, a new Default Kit will be generated. The Recreate Kit Option will disappear.

Change default container (width) on Elementor

Go to global Elementor settins. Click Site Settings - Layout - Content Width (px) 1340 and update.

System Requirements

Theme PHP Requirements

These are recommended PHP requirements that need to be adjusted before installing the theme. If the requirements are not met some theme features and demo installs will not function properly.

PHP Recommended
PHP Version Minimum 5.6 - Perfect setup 7.x
memory_limit 128M
post_max_size 32M
max_execution_time 300
max_input_vars 4000
upload_max_filesize 32M

Recomended WordPress Server Environment

For best experience your hosting provider should support following server software databases and or webserver modules. Anything less than this might cause slow WordPress installation response and can open your website to vulnerabilities.

Software Recommended Min Requirement More info
PHP 7.2+ 5.2.4 Php
Recommended databases
MySQL 5.6+ 5.0.15+ Mysql
MariaDB 10.0+ 10.0+ MariaDB
Recommended webservers and modules
Apache 2.x + 2.x Apache
Nginx 1.1 1.0 Nginx
The mod_rewrite Apache module
HTTPS support

Development Requirements

For faster development we recommend following server bundles that can be installed on your computer. From the list below select your operating system than download and install preferred server bundle.

MAC OS Windows Linux
XAMPP for Mac OS X WampServer XAMPP for Linux
Zend Server Community Edition Zend Server Community Edition Zend Server Community Edition

Backup and Restor

This you can create content backup. Just click on the button (Create Content Backup Now)

In case of loss of data on the site, you can restore them by backup. Specify the desired backup and press Restore Backup.

General Settings

In general setting

Can load favicon

off/on - button scroll top

off/on - preloader

Header Settings

Logo for Statick Header

Logo For Sticky Header

You Can off/onn Search, Cart, Sidebar in Header

You can off/on cart in Sticky Header

Toolbar off/change

Toolbar Settings

Footer Settings

You can change footer column in row. Change social links and copyright.

Footer column change in widgets

Breadcrumbs Settings

You can change name breadcrumb and link for Portfolio Single page, Team Single Page

Sidebar Settings

Change position sidebar and off/on there. You can change position or off/on sidebar for Shop, Post or Blog.

Blog Post Settings

You can change blog format to masonry or standard. Also you can off Related Post in single post page.

Team Settings

You can change form for team page or off. Also you can change button form name.

404 Settings

Change text and background image for 404 page.

Color Settings

Here you can change the main color of the theme.

Button color is responsible for type of buttons:

Typography Settings

You can change font for all text and special for titles, buttons and navigation.

Mailchimp Settings

The theme is integrated with Mailchimp. You just need to provide Mailchimp API key and List ID.

Required and recommended plugins

You should expect to see this notice after the theme is activated.

Custom Css

Pages Settings

In theme used 3 page template:

Default Template - This template mainly for simple pages. You can use a sidebar in this template. This template also has a fixed width. But you can use Elementor Page Builder too. exemple page

Elementro Canvas - This template is only for Elementor Page Builder. It lacks a sidebar, header and footer of site. exemple page

Elementro Full Width - This template is only for Elementor Page Builder. This is main template in this theme. Thanks to it, almost all pages are built in this theme.

Custom css/js files

Custom css file for you custom styles assets/css/style.css. Please write your custom styles here.

Custom js file assets/js/custom.js. Please write your custom js here.

Template hooks

Template hooks includes inc/hooks.php, some helpres functions are in inc/helpers.php

Woocommerce filters are here inc/includes/woocommerce/hooks.php

Update Theme

You can update your theme by performing the following steps:

  1. Download the latest file from ThemeForest
  2. Extract it and locate
  3. Extract and locate  farrell folder
  4. Copy/Replace the contents of  farrell folder to the /wp-content/themes/farrell folder of your web site.